Tuesday, 24 March 2015

22 Taylor Swift songs for every mood

Queen Taylor has been ruling the music industry for over 6 years; she's been labelled 'America's sweetheart' and is a winner of around 100 awards ( 7 of which were prestigious Grammy's). Taylor is known to write songs about her most deepest feelings and because of that, she has the most relatable albums ever.

So it doesn't matter where you are on the roller coaster of life she has a song about almost every mood: 

  • If you're feeling 100% done with people: 

  • If you're feeling powerful: 
I knew you were trouble 

  • If you're totally over your ex: 
We are never ever getting back together

 All you had to do was stay  
(Or maybe not totally over- Clean)

  • Or if you're still in love with someone: 
Teardrops on my guitar 
Blank space
The Story of us 
You belong with me

  • If you're feeling a jam sesh coming on: 
Shake it off 

  • If you've just lost a friend and made an enemy/frenmy: 
Bad blood 
The moment I knew 
  • If you're feeling mutual love:     
This love
Begin again
Our song

  • If you're feeling rebellious:
Fearless (yeah i mentioned this for feeling powerful too, its pretty....)
Out of the woods
Love story

  • If you're feeling childhood nostalgia: 
Never grow up
Sweeter than fiction

So yeah there you go, 22 songs by Taylor to pick you up at your worst time or to make sure you stay on your high horse for however long the song is.

If you liked this then tell me through comments or follow me on: Twitter ( @khevanapatel) or Instagram ( khevanapatel ). Thank you and see you later! 


  1. I am so obsessed with Taylor at the moment, LOVE this post xx


    1. Thank you! Haha she is definitely worth the obsession:) xx

  2. I absolutely LOVE Taylor Swift. Her music is perfect for every occasion.


  3. I love this post! Taylor Swift really does have something for every mood! Or tbh, if you're like me, you'll just listen to all her songs all the time :P
    Katie x
